Rapid Rail GB
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email info@rapidrail.co.uk

The Atlantic Shed at Associated British Ports of Newport has now been able to open its doors to new cargo with the help from Rapid Rail’s newly installed Crane Rails.

The Port of Newport has two docks, North and South, and its water covers 125 acres and land of 685 acres. It houses tenants trading in steel, construction, agriculture, manufacturing and power generation and employs over 3000 staff.

The development of the 7,200 square meter storage facility at the port will be mostly used by the steel industry.

Rapid Rail GB Limited are thrilled to have been awarded and have completed the contract to replace the Crane rails throughout the whole Shed.

With the go ahead from the Principal Contractor Andrew Scott, Rapid Rail set to work.

This entailed erecting our own PassengeRR Safety Line System which ensured the safety of our engineers Working at Height before any work could take place.

Engineers set to work on the mammoth task by removing the old rails installed on the steel structure as well as marking, positioning and welding over 1300 metal clips in place. Rail Pad was then rolled out before all 486 meters of rail was lifted up, positioned, then bolts were tightened on the clips to keep the rail in place.

Rapid Rail Engineers manouvering rail into position before lowering in place.

And this was all at a great height of 9.1 meters with a space of 35cm wide to work on!

The project took 6 weeks has been a complete success.

‘The building is now in full use and the crane is working a treat’

– James Savagar, Andrew Scott.